Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Bayberry Quilt Show Roundup Part 1

If you ever have a chance to go to a local quilt show, by all means do not miss it!There is nothing better than seeing friend's and neighbor's quilts in person, with each and every one of them so unique and beautiful.These quilts are from the Bayberry Quilters of Cape Cod, and I'm going to do three posts in all loosely grouped into Pieced, Applique, and Challenge. I worked hard to get all the names right-- if I made a mistake, let me know by commenting and I will fix it right away. xox,

"Super Nova" Laurie LaConte
Quilting rock star Laurie had no less than six pieces in the show-- this is Tula Pink's pattern and Laurie's version here went on to win a blue ribbon. Laurie uses the most amazing quilting patterns-- simple but sensational-- makes it look easy and effortless when we all know it isn't!

"Botanical Wreath" Holly Santangelo

"That Place in the Country" Jane Howe
Love each and every border in this medallion quilt-
just look at the little houses, and the simple stars!

"Crown of Thorns" Carol Salerno

"Chop Sticks" Laurie LaConte
Great modern quilt-- again, one of six Laurie finished this year!

"Georgetown on my Mind" Donna Fitzpatrick
Could not take my eyes off of this one. <3

"Night Owls on Cape Cod" Shari Sears
Quilted by Marjetta Gladding. This is the Urban Owls pattern by Wendy Williams- a local quilt shop had a stitch-a-long for it. I though we would see more, but this person is the apparently the only one finished! LOVE the purple, and the name.

"Mermaids Retreat I" Ann Bermingham
Love that snails trail block. A friend of mine pointed out I have a teal fetish going right now... guilty as charged.

"Hillside Houses" Elsa Hahn
Great quilting, great colors.

 "Cape Cod Summer" Noreen Couture
I believe this is Sue Garman's block of the month done for The Quilt Show. What a credit to Sue that her patterns live on. And a credit to Noreen for finishing this amazing heirloom.

"Cool Color Burst" Vi Olsen
Vi was a featured quilter and had 25 quilts on display, each one incredibly unique. I don't think I've ever finished half that amount!

"Sienna Burst Quilt" Jane Wilson
Beautiful modern quilt-- straight line quilting-- simple and sensational.

"Tangled Threads" Donna Fitzpatrick
A spool quilt is on my bucket list-- my fabrics aren't as sensational as these, though!

"Thicket" Hilary Ward
I just love this. <3

"Sunset at Great Sale Cay" Donna Fitzpatrick
Bonnie Hunter's quilt-a-long. I'd love to know how many pieces... and yes, it's teal again...

I think you'll agree this guild has a ton of talent... not to mention people who finish things! LOL Stay tuned-- next post will be devoted to gorgeous applique.



  1. Thank you for posting some of your favorites. This year’s show was one of the best. Over 300 fabulous works.

    1. Thanks for sharing those beautiful quilts.


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