Friday, October 12, 2018

Mancuso World New England

At the end of every summer, The World Quilt New England show comes to New Hampshire and what a treat it is!! I have been to my share of quilt shows, and while all leave you feeling inspired, after viewing all the eye candy, many of them also leave you quite intimidated.

This show will ONLY leave you inspired.

These are quilts whose greatest aspiration is not to be technically perfect, but are more artistic in vision.   I doubt “Starts and Stops” are part of the judging sheet. They come from all over the world, and are highly unique and very imaginative.

So with very little comment, here are some of my pictures.


"Unfurling" Freida Anderson

"Australia's Bouquet" Yvonne Chapman

                             "Erte Bazaar II" Sue deVanny

"My Cool City Sampler" Maureen Hyslop

 "Levitation Fascination" Di Jobbins

If it looks very 3-D to you... it is... 
the pieces are not stitched down at the edges.

"A Time for All Seasons" Linda Steele
This was my very favorite-- the seasons AND embroidery. So many dear little things, everywhere. Made with L-O-V-E. No ribbon, but I believe it won "Viewer's Choice."

"An Interrupted Still Life" Pam Seaberg

The next three quilts are part of a one man show--
"Whaddaya Mean Red and Turquoise Don't Go Together?"
I thought they did, but these beautifully made quilts were incredibly hard to look at... I even have to turn my eyes away from the photos.
DISCLAIMER: We are NOT responsible for any lingering afterimage after viewing!

"The Full Haykin"

"A Three Hour Tour"
I love a sense of humor in quilt names-- note the pattern is Storm at Sea LOL

"Love Entwined" Jenny Henry

"Nearly Insane" Frances Meredith
This is a pattern from an antique quilt-- takes "Dear Jane" to a new level. Frances blogged about the making of this quilt in 2013.
EPP. Bonkers.

 "Perpetuum Mobile" Ruth Rudnick

"Union Jack meets Log Cabin" Joy Salvage
Tiny, tiny pieces. Big quilt. Blue Ribbon!

"Birds of the British Isles" Jane Hopkins
Cloud Club inspiration!! All of our birds have been North American, though.

"To the Bright Future" Chieko Shiraishi
This quilt was based on a scene from "Little Women" where the characters are up on a hill, telling of their dreams of the future.
A wonderful, heartwarming piece.

So, I will tell you, that is less than 1/4 of all the wonderful things I photographed at World Quilt New England... and even ALL of my photos were 1/100th of what they had exhibited!

And for me, it is a BRIGHT future! In less than a month, I'll be attending the Houston Quilt Festival for the first time. I am thinking of bringing a traditional camera with a HUGE memory stick-- I don't think my phone will be up to the task. Any advice on that? And, yes, I will take you there with me by sharing when I get back!



  1. Thanks so much for sharing your quilt show pictures.....Looking forward to hearing about and seeing your Houston quilt show pictures and experiences. XOXO

  2. I found your blog through Pinterest and was thrilled that you mentioned my quilt A Time for all Seasons. It did indeed win Viewer's Choice and I was absolutely thrilled.


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