Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Mad About Plaid!

Graduations are over, and summer is well underway-- 
so it's obviously time for...


We have not forgotten our promise to add plaid borders to our Christmas Album projects. It's always been a fantasy to be approached by Moda to design a collection of fabrics-- and have you ever asked yourself, "What would my fabrics look like?"

For us, the answer is easy-- they would be embroidered, of course!

It has long been a goal of ours to start offering collections where you can make your own embroidered fabric-- so in that spirit-- 
we present to you:


Although it looks simple, the plaid design, when stitched end to end, will allow you to create a plaid border in any colors of your choosing-- TA-DA-- no more hunting various fabric stores for the right bolt!

We're making our first plaid border for the Christmas Album Quilt.
We started with a burgundy Kona solid--Kona has dozens of colors, so it won't be hard to find one to match your project.

There are three color changes. We did some tests first, using colors from the other embroidery in our stitch outs...
The first one above seemed too dark and contrasty...

The second one was a little washed out....

But the third one was just right!

There will be stitched out guidelines provided so that you can easily do multiple hoopings for a border. You can see below there is a space between stitch outs (so there's no worry about matching one to the next) but no one will ever notice the space. When you see a row of them it looks continuous, doesn't it?

And no quilt border is complete without bows, is it?

The bows are stitched on AFTER the plaid which again makes it much easier to place them. This was our first bow attempt--It is a BEAUTIFUL bow, but so much so, it's really taking over the whole quilt. So that bow is getting retired-- (who knows, maybe it will pop up in another set!) and today we are working on a more understated one-- or maybe we'll just decide it doesn't need bows anyway! You can weigh in below in the comments.

So be sure to get all twelve block stitched if you haven't! Maybe you got started at Christmas, but never completed your set-- summer is really the PERFECT time for it.

The links are below,
if you want to see where our projects currently stand.

This set will be out in the next week or so, and yes, there will be charm size plaid, too!

Happy stitching!



  1. Maybe just bows that wrap the corners and the streamers extend toward the middle of each border piece?

  2. Wow, you come up with the greatest projects and designs!!!

  3. Hi, I'm with Kay, bows in the upper 2 corners, maybe one in the top center, and let the streamers drop to the middle of each side piece. and tie it in at the bottom with a smaller bow version.
    For those of us who do not have the capability of embroidering a continuous row of material, please make a plaid that can be "seamed together" and still look great!
    love the designs......

    1. Thanks for your comment-- you don't need a big hoop just a 5x7-- and if our foolproof instructions still don't convince you, yes, you would just have to sew separate pieces together. xoxo

  4. I'm in with Kay and unknown about the amount of bows

  5. Hope the plaid design is released soon as I have now finished piecing my quilt and it will have to sit in my unfinished projects pile for a while now.


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