Monday, July 20, 2020

Cross Stitch Cottage Quilt... over the hump!

We have completed seven months of cottages, and I've started to think about the finishing kit on this.
(Five of the months here are photoshopped repeats, so don't panic if you think you missed something! Just trying to get the overall look.)

Did you notice that we started out with a snug one bedroom in January, but we've kind of moved upwards and onwards to the luxury five bedroom lakeside cottage in July!!! LOL But there's still plenty of room to grow... if you ever make it to Newport, Rhode Island, be sure to visit the Vanderbilt's summer cottage... there are 30 bedrooms, (adnittedly, most of them were for the servants.)

You may have also noticed each design had a pretty little motif in it-- well, I know at least one of you noticed in one of the designs, because she asked me what it was!! The plan is to make 20 different squares in all, for each of the twenty cornerstones. Then the sashing design will just be one generic floral-- we'll be stitching 31 of those! After all that, the outermost border may be a fabric-- I am keeping my eye out for that special something.

So far, I have twelve "cornerstones." I think I am going to use this Quilter's Linen in maybe-- "mint"-- for the sashings, but I really need to try it first so don't rush out to buy. It is a gorgeous pale green and has a little texture to it to compliment the fairy frost I'm using for the blocks. The cornerstones may be a little bit deeper shade-- very subtle, though.

I'm more excited about this than I have been about anything lately... I have grand delusions-- like this is the first time the world has ever seen what a large, fully cross and back stitched quilt looks like! As I often say, it ain't braggin' if it's true! heehee. But it's nice to be delusional again-- if I had a therapist, they would note that I am making progress.

In other news, you may have seen on Facebook, we are catsitting. We don't currently have a pet-- this is kind of like having grandkids over-- they will be going home in another week-- let the spoiling begin!

Meet Donna and Jackie-- they are two of the sweetest creatures I have ever met and MADE. THEMSELVES. RIGHT. AT. HOME. if you know what I mean!!

Of course, they are going home with their very own personalized kitty mug rugs... don't they look so pleased! They picked the colors themselves.

With all the kitty help, I was able to finish another four Sew In Love Blocks last week, and the hand stitched tulips are almost done, too. 

Only 13 blocks to go, and eight of them are cut.

Finally, I have been wanting to read one of those Anne Hazelwood quilty stories for a long time-- so I bought the newest one. I'll let you know how it is. And in other happy mail, I treated myself to the 2020 AQS Paducah book of show quilts-- the show that never happened.

I think that will be all we get for a long while!

Just keep on stitching and have a great week. It all comes down to what you make it.



  1. You're making GREAT progress!!! Love the kitties and it definitely looks like they love their personalized/special "kitty" mats.

  2. When you started talking about the finishing kit, I did panic. But it helped me to get all of the cottages into one file!

  3. the cottages are brilliant. I can't wait to work on them. Have you or will you offer the entire package of 12 cottages in one. I've had some computer problems and have lost some of them. Frankly, in my present mood, it is easier to get them all than to figure out which ones I have or don't have. I love everything you do. Love your blog as well.

    1. Kathy-- just reach out to us at! We'll get you straightened out. <3

  4. I love working on the cottages, they are so bright and cheerful! Looking forward to seeing what fabric you come up with. I am getting ready to stitch the 7th one, and will be caught up. I haven't even started on the Under the Sea critters. Always love your work!


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