Monday, June 14, 2021

Four Wheeled Friends

This is going to get to be a very boring blog if all I keep saying is-- where did the time go? Everyone in my little world is saying the same thing-- almost half the year is over!

Where did this week go?-- well, here it is-- A new car!

I have been driving around in a 2008 Ford Fusion since well, 2008... it's actually in very nice shape besides a bad run-in with a shopping cart at Market Basket and then, of course, we had the 2012 Chocolate Shake debacle... but most of my friends have been through a couple new cars in all that time and I'm sure they wondered what was up with me. I just had other financial priorities-- that being said-- BUYING FABRIC does not effect my credit rating at all. Another contributing factor to my long lived Ford-- son J.D. has an auto shop, and he took such pride in fixing mom's car and I think he considered it a bit of a challenge to keep it running. 

Last week, I was in three times for three different warning lights-- one of the guys sweetly told me J.D. was messing with it on purpose so he could see more of me-- I don't know about that!

He did give me a recommendation-- RAV4-- and J.D. knows better than anyone what is coming through that shop needing repair so I listened! Of course, you've heard about the microchip shortage and that there are no new cars-- I did find ONE at a dealership about a half hour away-- wasn't exactly what I wanted-- well, it was the LIMITED fully loaded one, DARN! And the rest is history.

All of my friends seem so pleased for me and my mom was so excited to get chauffered in it-- it's quite endearing. I have never had a car where you don't stick a key in an ignition or where you sit high up off the road-- it came with a 600 page manual, plus a 200 page one just for the GPS screen so it's like learning how to drive all over again. I have to confess I am just tickled with it.

(TIP: If you find negotiating for a car distasteful-- just go when there is only one available and it won't be an issue!)

By the time Sunday rolled around, I had nothing new for the blog-- so in spite of great weather, I knuckled down and dragged another couple of things across the finish line.

The PEAR STREET gift is finished-- table runner and three cute pears. I will quilt it up this fall-- I'm really excited about having some nice handmade gifts this Christmas!

All that was standing in my way was that last ivory border.

Kitty table runner of the month-- CHECK! I was tempted to try to make a YouTube video on checkerboard borders-- thank God I did not because the cats fought me tooth and nail and would have most certainly exposed me for the incompetent rube that I am. Nonetheless-- expect this at some point-- everyone is doing it-- I always wanted my own TV show, and it will be a rousing mix of comedy and tragedy.

I'm a pinner-- I sew over pins.

I am totally pysched that I made this entirely from scraps. Given the frequency of new fabric coming here these days, I'm not even sure why that is a consideration.

I probably only used up a yard of fabric on this whole thing-- one way to use up those fat quarter is to make pieced backings, so I got these out.

I'm planning an all longarm day this week to take some of this stuff from finished (pieced) to finished (finished.) I think you know what I mean.

I hope that everyone got their free block two of Summer Twist! We're having another glitch-- this time, if you are logged in, you can't add the new block to your account-- it is pulling up Block One. So just log out to get those slippery fish in your cart! Then you can log back in.

I guess I knew there would be troubleshooting, and everyone has been super patient-- THANK YOU!-- thank God it is summer and not Christmas.

This week, it's more Carefree Highways-- never more appropriate-- heehee. And look what my friend Rosemary from AU sent me before this even happened-- the woman is a prophet!

So to close out, I got up at 6am this morning to go for a walk along this very scenic trail in my area.

My summer days just quietly roll from one to next and I have to admit, I hope God grants me a long life, because I could just live this way for a very long time.




  1. Love those pears and Love those kitties!!! Great job.

    You'll love your new vehicle so much.....we've had the "fob", no key for awhile and it's so very, very nice. The new vehicles today have so many bells and whistles. I guess the "learning curve" is what keeps us "young", LOL.

    Have a GREAT week quilting. XOXO

  2. We loved our RAV4. You will too!

    1. Thanks,Linda! My son is in the repair business and didn't recommend any other car. Says they hold their value incredibly and also many get 200,000 miles and more! xox

  3. Coming late to this blog, Carol. RAV4 owner here too. Can't believe mine is almost a year old. It still feels "new". Hybrid Cruiser model for me (can never figure out the USA versions of what we get here in Aus) but fully equipped in the bells and whistles department. Just wish I knew what every beep it does means LOL. Big bonus with this car - fits a drayload of sewing gear when going on retreats, and so easy to get a heavy machine in and out of. Loving all your projects, and as usual in total awe of your ability to get so many sewing projects (whether business or fun) done. I'm about to go and look out fabric for the Summer Twist blocks. Rainy day here. Perfect for sewing.


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