Friday, December 31, 2021

Last Day of the Year!

      It's naturally a time to reflect on 2021... I don't have grandkids, so my camera roll is full of projects! It is sew fun to scroll through the year and see all that was accomplished. I fully intend to be kind to myself and let a few things roll into next year-- be kind to yourself, too!

   Here's how I stacked up... my goal was to complete twelve table runners and four quilts. Here they are!

1) January-- Fig Tree "Burgoyne Surrounded Tablerunner"-- check! On my dining room sideboard, as we speak!

2) February--Double Wide Dresdens-- these were sew fun to stitch together, and hand stitch down into blocks-- unfortunately, the fun of final assembly has yet to happen, so I'll move it to my January wish list.

3) March-- Cider Table runner-- this was from a Sew Sampler Box, and was my favorite ever project! Check! Done, with two matching pillows on my couch. I have since cancelled my boxes, and started the new Ribbon Runs Through It BOM-- the first month will ship soon and I can't wait! My neighbor will stitch with me-- sew fun!

4) April--Pears-- this was a Christmas gift-- heehee, and I was so excited in April to "finish it" so early, plus three cute accessory pears. It was never quilted and I regret is still languishing on a shelf. January, please help me!

5) May--Scrappy Carrot Table Runner-- my original goal was NOT to include things stitched for the business-- I lowered the bar for myself-- but this finish was too good not to pass up.

6) June was the birthday/Christmas gifted QOV-- CHECK!

7) July--Kitty Cat tablerunner-- gifted and gone-- CHECK-a-roni!

8) August-- Summer Twist-- still needs quilting-- but actually all my TWIST series does! I'm planning to do Winter Twist in the next couple of months-- probably not as a free giveaway, but as a complete, finished set. I just don't want it to drag on for five or six weeks.

9) September Snickerdoodle-- needs quilting-- seems like January I should just cement myself in front of the longarm. After I posted this pic on Facebook, someone saw A MISTAKE-- at the time, I was ready to kill-- I do have the patience to fix it, all these months later.

10) October-- Bats n Boos-- needs QUILTING!! I really love how this came out and will be on the lookout for more Fat Quartershop Free stitchalongs this coming year.

11) November-- Scrappy Oaks Table runner-- CHECK!

12) December-- I could say, all plans totally broke down this month, or I could count this cute pillow, or even the St. Petersburg table runner, which will be done momentarily! 

So that's seven out of twelve Fully Finished Objects-- and I'll give myself a pat on the back, especially since my stroll through the camera roll revealed other beautiful things I'm not even counting.

And Now for the Quilts-- I had hoped for four:


Cottage of the Month...

Coriander Christmas...

and Chickens!!

None are quilted, but I am really sew very proud of what I did get done this year. Yes, a lot of residual work to do, but all this was in addition to running a full time embroidery company! Looking ahead, I'm going to concentrate on quilting the beginning of the year, and instead of trying for a certain "number" of finishes, my resolution is more about focusing on ONE (or two!) things at at time and good use of time for 2022! Also, I have a lot of UFOs with a tremendous head start on them that I'd like to finish. Do you make sewing goals? It's a lot more fun than LOSING WEIGHT!!

Hope you get some joy out of looking through your own camera roll today-- thank you so much for being a part of my world this past year. I can honestly say that seeing your finished projects means more to me than any finish of my own.

Happy New Year!


  1. You've accomplished so much. Thank you for the finishing instructions and for the whole St. Petersburg Christmas. Looking forward to the birth month mug rugs.
    Have a great weekend and a safe and happy 2022.

  2. WOW - so many beautiful projects! Happy 2022.


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