Tuesday, February 14, 2023

After the thrill is gone...

      I lost a couple of sewing days last week on a family visit, so my usual Sunday post was delayed while I tried to squeeze out a little more progress. I’m also heading out for a week of Florida vacation shortly. While I’ve just about survived our first Maine winter, I can’t deny that the cold is getting very old. I really can’t wait to get out into my new garden and to see what pops up in that meadow this spring!

     I was supposed to prep two of my Lori Holt appliqué blocks to take with me to Florida. I’m so looking forward to sitting by the pool on balcony (looking over the ocean) with my hand stitching. But the Prairie Meadow project is starting to get old with the winter-- the thrill is definitely gone! Prepping the pieces has gotten fussy and fiddly. I’m reaching for my iPad at night, not my needle. 

     Working on a quilt is like the five stages of a relationship-- euphoria, bonding, disillusionment, crisis, stagnation. I’m in the crisis phase. I feel like kicking it to the curb, with eight blocks to go. Trying to save this project by remembering what I loved about it in the first place!

     OK, I admit there’s a new flame! It’s the Barn Star sampler. I did a fun color sketch in Procreate (everyone should have this program on their iPad) and I finally started assembling it. Sew fun to sort through my Cider and Nutmeg fabrics-- they are just beautiful! So my sketch looks like it is all solids, but I do want to use some of the softer prints. I think it is coming out remarkably like what I envisioned so far! This is a huge block-- 24”-- you can tell by the letter size piece of paper in the corner.

     I had a little chuckle to myself on Instagram. People had posted a picture of their first “block” saying what a doozy it was and how glad they were the “block” was done. LOL. You need two of them! I for sure was not going to be the one to enlighten them on this fact. Nope, not me. I am sure they will figure it out! 

     Fat Quarter Shop came up with a schedule to make the Barn Star Sampler this year. I think both blocks were supposed to be done by the end of the month, but I’ll be lucky to finish one. The later blocks are easier, so I can catch up. Yes! It’s the euphoria stage of this project!

     I made my first project bag with a zipper! I went from first not thinking project bags were really necessary, to buying one, to buying more, and finally now to making my own. I used to sew my clothing in high school and well remember the dreaded zipper. You had to close it, baste it, open it, sew down one side, zip it, sew the other side, unpick basting, open and add a hook at the top. So I was terrified. I finally watched a YouTube video on it, and it is really a cinch. I love keeping my projects organized, especially my cross stitch. They sell printed panels to make these-- but machine embroidering one is a complete home run! Such a great way to personalize a very usable gift, too.

     It’s time for your weekly ARRTI update! I got one more border seam sewn! This is just ridiculous. It’s like the fear of success. What held me up was having a large space to lay it out and measure it... I finally figured out I could kind of fold it up to do two edges. Thank goodness I have a nice flat, hard, cold concrete floor to get down and scramble around on my knees! 

     I also washed the fabric for the border this past week. I’ve become a fan of pre-washing so you minimize the crinkly look when your quilt is washed,. This one will probably only get soaked in the tub when needed-- I can’t imagine throwing it in the washer-- it’s too big anyway! I am going to take the bull by the horns and just spend a day on it when I get back. I refuse to tolerate this project creeping in to March.

     I finished my Sew Sampler project-- You probably saw it already online. It really came out very nice-- so much better than having another teal box stacked in a corner. Now that I have a nice finish, I’m more excited than ever to see what next month’s box is. I hope it’s waiting for me when I get back. 

     I do have the Cupid box to work on, and I already have a project in mind with smaller hearts. The fabric is kind of a strange mix-- there are three dark red patterns, a couple of soft teals, and then a ton of mostly whites that are busy enough you wouldn’t really use them for a background. I guess the designer loves pickup trucks-- they’re in there, too. It should be interesting. I had fun sketching a little heart throw in Procreate-- Procreate is the amusement that has taken the place of handstitching for now. It is really fun to sketch with it. So far my quilt looks like a massive Y-seam practice piece.

     So that’s about my last ten sewing days. Light progress for me-- shortly I’m off. Yes, sewing is my business, my hobby, and now my vacation, too! I’m heading for the AQS Daytona show and even squeezing QuiltCon on the way back. I’ll be sure to take lots of pictures and I’m so hoping someone's machine embroidery makes it to the Winner’s Circle.

    Will she be bringing two Prairie Meadow blocks to Florida? Will ARRTI end up in a drawer? Will she fit in her bathing suit? Keep on sewing and come back in a couple of weeks to find out! 



  1. Hi Carol, Go to Florida and relax! Soak up some vitamin D which I am sure has been lacking in cold cold snowy Maine. Take one project and just try to put the rest out of your mind and relax. When you get back home then it will be time to start anew and tackle the projects. You are in crisis because you are trying to do too much all at the same time; relax, enjoy the blocks; they are not going anywhere. Have a great Florida vacation! ( Fl strawberries from Plant City are delicious)


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