Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Getting What I Deserve...

      Another light sewing week, although a few things got an hour here or there. After sheet rocking my entire studio in a lightning fast two days, everyone on the homestead has had to get back to their day jobs and the project started to languish!

     I decided to put in three or four hours on my own every day. To those of your who aren't crazy DIY construction fans, the next step is to add drywall tape over all the cracks and make sure all the screws are recessed. To make it more fun, I pretended this was a jelly roll:

     This was a rotary cutter:

     And these were pins.

     Attitude is everything, isn't it! When Mr. SFO came up to check on me, I decided to radiate positivity amongst the dust, debris, and dead lady bugs, and told him I was really enjoying listening to the rain and doing something different for a few hours. Without missing a beat, he looked at me so lovingly and in all seriousness said:

"You deserve it, sweetheart."

     So here I am, getting my just deserts. The weekend was filled with some other gardening activities, but I am a bit of an unstoppable force and will continue putting in what my body permits over the rest of the merry month of May-- three coats of spackle, three sandings. I got this!

     I try to put a couple of hours into digitizing every morning just to give myself some wakeup time, but also some time to convince myself to go upstairs. For the longest time, I've wanted to make a perpetual calendar of some sort, and I have a great bowl filler set started for June. It's called "Celebrate."

     Instead of a holiday, this is for all those little private milestones we have in life-- like a birthdays or anniversaries. So we have the word "Celebrate," and then a cake, or course! If you know me, you know I love a sweet-- I'm thinking of doing an alternate colorway for a chocolate cake.

    Then we have a set of plain numbers. That is the best part of this set. You can use your numbers to display a person's age on their birthday, or the number of years for an anniversary. You could also combine the numbers with your previously stitched Monthly bowl fillers, and change it out each day-- for instance, use "MAY," the "1," and the "4" for today. That gives you a perpetual calendar. There's probably many other things you could do with the numbers-- like "2025" for the next New Year's Eve. So that's my sales pitch. I, myself, would love to change this our every day on my desk. I'm always wondering what the date is!

     This is all digitized, but needs to be tested-- one thing I am ahead of in life is bowl filler ideas, and we are up to June, so I'm just simmering it right now.

      Then I also have this complete-- it's the 12th installment of my "ABC" series-- Gardening! It's also ready to test stitch.

     I very much have gardening on the brain right now. Maybe next week I will show you everything that's growing on Sugar Meadow! Can a baking design be far behind? 

    The Village of the Month is underway.

    The Village of the Month is very challenging in terms of organizing the space into a landscape and this one is especially difficult. Do you have any ideas on what sewing items should be in my vista? We already have pincushion mountains, scissor trees, and a button sun. For the saying, I'm thinking of "My Happy Place." Comment if you have an idea. I wanted to do this before we get into the summer villages, like the lake and ocean-- where would you like to "visit" this summer?

     So a lot of cross stitch-- I know some of you are not interested, but it's just easy right now, with the slave labor camp I have going upstairs. I also just moved everything over to a new computer, which is now done-- Phew! I love it. I had to drive all the way to Bangor to pick up the new digitizing software which is not sold online-- it was a scenic drive, and I want to share that with you soon, too. Did you know Benedict Arnold went up the Kennebec River to attack Quebec, before he was a traitor? I passed where he traveled. Did you know it's harder to transfer your software to a new computer than to boat troops upstream on the Kennebec in January? So I'm glad this is behind me.

     Finally, the sewing portion of my week. The poor reindeer are languishing-- sorry, Sara, my stitch-a-long pal! I WILL catch up!

    But I am halfway to catching up on the Moonbeams sew along-- got four of these queued up for final assembly--

     And the matching cross stitch is way ahead of schedule!

 And I didn't buy this, this week:

    The Red Little Posy Wreath has been on my wish list since I first saw it months ago. It has lately occurred to me that I need to think more about the 20 hours it will take to make a thing, then the millisecond it takes to order it. My friends, I don't know about you, but I feel that once in my new space, all those UFOs are gonna be FFO'd. I, for one, do not think I have yet reached that tipping point where I cannot finish all my projects in this lifetime. BUT-- while last week my new space really had the creative juices flowing-- this week, I'm exhausted from all the up and down on ladders and I'm just thinking about putting a couch and a TV up there!

    So that's my world-- summer is coming on fast here, with everything springing back to life. It's time to be part of it. I think it's probably a natural cycle that sewing slows down and rests for a season.

   But not for too long, right?




  1. Thanks for the update on your life. . . .your flowers are beautiful!! And I am looking forward to the new designs you are doing. . . .and seeing your completed sewing room. It will be wonderful!!

    1. Thanks for reading, Linda! Internet friends are best. xoxo

  2. I feel your pain about transfering to a new computer and drywall taping too. The garden alphabet is great but did you forget the "la" on the end of umbrella?

    1. Ooooo-- thanks for the heads up. It was supposed to be UMBEL, a part of a plant. It was getting to be that UMBRELLA and QUILT were on every piece-- wanted something different!

    2. Glad it wasn't a mistake. Before I wrote my comment I looked up just the word you had and it didn't come up with anything so I thought I'd let you know. Good catch all the way around and I learned something!

  3. Love your "jelly roll" and "rotary cutter"! You're moving right along. XOXO Dottie

  4. I’m reading this a day late, so you may have already had commenters on this, but: Is the top left arm of that Moonbeam supposed to go off on its own?!? 😉

    1. THANKS! You saved me! Actually, that's the only one that was RIGHT! LOL


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