Sunday, September 29, 2024


    I am moving my blog over to WordPress-- I sure hope you make the jump with me! 

    For a long time, I've been dissatisfied with "Blogger." Did you notice how sometimes the typeface got larger for no reason-- no, I was not yelling at you-- and how every week seemed to be in a different font? They also stopped offering subscriptions-- what, if anything, is the first feature you would think of, if you wanted a Blog? So then, we were stuck with the outside subscriber app, "Bloglovin," which frankly isn't that lovable on my end for more than a few reasons. (You may now CANCEL you Bloglovin subscription, even though you really don't have to, since I won't be posting here, so you won't get any notices!)

    So hop on over to and excuse it's appearance for a couple of weeks while we all figure it out... together! Don't worry about losing me-- I would never let that happen--you can always come back here and click the link below. 

Ready, set... JUMP!


  1. This looks so much better!

  2. I’m here. Thank you for letting me know you were moving but not sure how to log in, hence the anonymous post
