Tuesday, September 24, 2019

My Birthday Adventure...

My birthday was at the end of last month, and as luck would have it, no one was around to celebrate with me. :-(

Not being one to sit home feeling sorry for myself, I decided to make my own party with a field trip, and let everyone know all along the way IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!

Quite a few asked me if it was a "BIG" birthday-- thank God, no! But I AM old enough to be in a museum.

Yes... The New England Quilt Museum!

There is my sweet little "New England Album" on display for the LAST time. (This is what I tell Mr. SFO every time he gets the ladder out to take it off our bedroom wall. But I DO think this will be the last time.)

The show was called "The Best of New England Quilt Guilds" and each guild juried one quilt from their membership. It's quite a treat to see what "real" people are doing out there, and to get away from the show quilting world. 

Here are a few of my other favorites-- does anyone else read the stories behind each quilt? I love to, so I've posted them under each quilt.

After viewing the show, you were invited to vote for a favorite...
this was mine...

Just because it makes the perfect segue way into my actual birthday party, which occurred on the weekend!

My son and his girlfriend made us all a fabulous seafood-fest complete with lobster, oysters, scallops and tuna.

We live on a pond, and here they are with the "grand-dogs" trying to get a little family portrait taken.

Here we are!

I love my crazy, happy, disorganized life!



  1. Thanks for sharing your adventure. Quilts are awesome and it looks like the seafood feast was yummy!!

  2. Oh My!! What a magnificent birthday feast!! Your son knows how to do it right..Carol, you must have had a blast!! Happy Birthday last month. Thank you for posting all the beautiful quilts. While yours is my favorite, I also love the one you picked too. It's so different!

    Barbara Niedergerke

  3. I too celebrated my Birthday on a trip to South Dakota. Surprise birthday song on the bus on or way to airport. It was a fabulous agricultural tour of state, with a Buffalo Stamped at the end.
    I also want to go to Houston Quilt Show. Hope to see you there.
    I do like your idea of "Year of Cross Stitch Tea Cups", they are my favorites.
    Stay safe on trip. Have lots of fun. Luv Carmen

  4. Happy Belated Birthday Carol! I am really excited to hear that you are getting into videos! Please keep us posted on that. I was surprised to see that you embroider on a table top Baby Lock...always assumed you had a multi-needle machine. It's interesting to see your studio. Congrats on the new long arm! You'll have a great time in Houston. I've attended the vendor market there and it will make your head spin! Safe travels. Gertie Messenger

  5. You do such beautiful work! Always loved how wonderfully the embroidery designs stitch out. I used to hand cross-stitch years ago, but can't do it any longer. Would love to see creatures of sea as BOM next year in cross-stitch! Thank you for sharing your talent!


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