I've been code silent for a few days! I'm knee deep in transferring sets, zip files, photos, over to a new platform. Every time I see that commercial where the boxer goes down-- "He took a hit he didn't see coming!"-- it's a metaphor for a business. Then they show a doctor, and a few other professional people going down, with stuff flying everywhere. Well, it just makes me chuckle.
If you see it, just picture me going down-- with thread and fabric flying all over the place!
"But what happens next is more important!," the voiceover tells us-- and I am proud to say, we are picking ourselves back up. "This fight is a long way from over!," they say. Hee Hee.
Expect big things, and expect them soon... had I known how easy this would be-- time-consuming, yes, but not hard, I would have done it a long time ago. I assumed it would cost a fortune-- it hasn't, and I thought I was on my own-- I'm not!
One of our fellow embroiderers read my post a couple of weeks and offered to help me! We're a clever bunch-- we know how to work an embroidery machine, right? This person works in IT and she has been awesome and just took me by the hand, told me she understood what I was up against, and put her shoulder to the wheel and is showing me the way. I am so grateful.
So no pretty pictures of sewing this week-- it ain't happenin'. I have made it out to my garden between marathon sessions in front of a screen and there are signs of hope everywhere. (My new Grand-chicks.)
Your yard looks FANTASTIC!!! Looking forward to the new, improved website.....getting EXCITED for you and us. XOXO