Saturday, May 8, 2021

Happy Mother's Day!

 Happy Mother's Day! 

I say that, knowing it can be a tough one... for the first ten years of my marriage, I adamantly did not want children. People assumed we were infertile-- I mean, who could NOT want children, so many inappropriate remarks came my way, back in the day. I pretty much hated Mother's Day!

Now, of course, I love it... I changed my mind and ended up with a bouncing baby boy and then a girl, and best of all, they are now out of the house! So it proves that time can turn things around... but that being said, there are people with strained family relationships, families with no mother,  people who want kids and can't have them and on and on. So just wishing you the best, on this day-- enjoy it, wherever life finds you.

The bouncing baby girl sent me these:

Wouldn't they make a beautiful embroidery?

... and the boy is going to come over tomorrow and help start up our lawn sprinklers, and so, I am satisfied. 

I gave birth with the help of my "angel" to the new website this week... so I have nothing to show in terms of sewing! The launch went well, and I can't tell you how much it means to me to see all the old names pop back up in the new back of store. There is this fantastic globe in the app that shows where my customers are all across the planet... is one of those dots down there you? 


About half the sets are loaded, and I am now confident we can move everything in time! I feel like I have been sitting in front of a computer screen for days... (I actually have been, heehee) I did go out today and celebrate a bit in my garden. I'm sure you can tell I love flowers from the website!

I'm glad I got these pictures of my tulips last weekend... Mr. Peter Rabbit got them during the week! Some were pulled right out of the ground with the bulb attached... Mr. SFO sweetly tried to keep me from seeing it, but I mean, it was kind of funny. So it more likely was Mr. Deer... I can just see him biting, pulling, and tossing them to the ground!

I tried a product called "Deer Scram"... it's supposed to be coyote urine, and I don't like using it because it smells enough to chase away all the people, too. So obviously it doesn't work, either! Next fall, I will be dumb enough to plant more anyway. I love tulips.

The daffodils must be the brussels sprouts of the animal world-- they always remain untouched.

Tomorrow, I am really hoping to get at least half a day in my sewing room-- I miss it so much. 

Happy Mother's Day again-- hoping you can find some YOU time on this day.



1 comment:

  1. Happy Mother's Day!!! Love all your flowers. Website looks AWESOME!!! Congratulations. XOXO


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