Friday, July 16, 2021

Hyannis Country Garden Quilt Show

We have arrived... the age of real, live quilt shows has returned! My guild, the Bayberry Quilters of Cape Cod, put on a mini show last weekend at the Hyannis Country Garden-- a nursery. Now I must be getting very skeptical and cranky as I age, because when told it was in a "greenhouse," I immediately assumed DIRTY and HOT, but sent my quilt in anyway to support the effort.

Let that be a lesson to me-- it was LIGHT, breezy, and gorgeous...  and my piece was not needed to supplement the array of quilty eye candy inside. I have never been to Hyannis Country Garden and would have to admit to buying my annuals at Home Depot more often than not-- but I will frequently be visiting this wonderful, huge nursery and store in the future. 

I went on Sunday, and the weather was just perfect-- cool and sunny. I was immediately greeted by a gorgeous eagle, flapping his wings up and down in the breeze. After wandering through more aisles of plants than I can even remember, I arrived at the show-sixty quilts hanging in a beautiful windowed space-- I've never seen a quilt show so brighly lit than when Mother Nature is in charge.

Best of all, I saw people that I hadn't in about a year and a half-- I have to admit, I was very distracted from the quilts with all of smiles and hugs I received. And then my phone ran out of battery-- of course, so I nowhere near took the all of the photos I wanted to.

Without further comment, here is a fraction of what I saw... and there is something for everyone, with the talent on exhibit that day.

"Happy Garden"
Noreen Couture

"Dogwood Blooms"
Laurie LaConte

"Nature's Bounty"
Holly Santangelo

"Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary"
Tere D'Amato

"Blooms Against a Summer Sky"
Carol Burton

"Night Owls on Cape Cod"
Shari Sears

Charlotte Toia

"Florilequim: A Gathering of Flowers"
Marilyn Swensen

"Clematis Against the Sky"
Carol Salerno

Ruth Wilcox

"Cardinal Pair"
Laurie LaConte

"Cape Cod Summer"
Noreen Couture

After the show, I went with my friends for lunch at a fabulous Mexican restaurant in the heart of town, "Anejo." We sat outside under a huge beech tree and ate delicious food.

I am not a writer, but words could not express the happiness I felt inside for this entire day, anyway.

Oops... forgot this piece!

"Beaucoup de Bouquets"
Carol Duffy

All tucked into a neat corner-- the center part of my flower quilt is complete! The earlier, cranky version of myself would have seen a metaphor in that watering can over my quilt as pouring out dirty water all over my hard work. But after this beautiful day, it seems now like my little machine embroidered efforts will be loved, well-watered, and growing fast this summer.



  1. Your quilt is just beautiful. Sending you a Ray of sunshine!

  2. Beautiful quilts and what a lovely setting! Wish I could be there!

  3. Beautiful quilts in the show, and what better place for a watering can than over a beautiful quilt of floral baskets? Love

  4. WOW!!!! Thanks for sharing pictures from the quilt show - they are GORGEOUS!!! Love your Beaucoup de Bouquets! Have a great weekend. XOXO

  5. Beautiful quilts and a great setting. Sunny warm days on Cape Cod are the best. Hey Carol! Do you live in Cape Cod? My husband and I lived in Falmouth for about 20 years. We owned and operated "The Palmer House Inn" for 15 years. It is located on Palmer 'Avenue in Falmouth and is still going strong with new owners.

    Joanne B - PA


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