Sunday, May 7, 2023

Will someone please tell me what I did last week?

  I read last week’s post to see where I left off-- I guess it was supposed to rain the whole week and I thought I would just be sewing-- well, it didn’t and I wasn’t! We are having some beautiful days here in the 70s now and I was out more than I was in.

     I trimmed up what I am hoping is a raspberry bush, but could be a rather prickly, and now beautifully trimmed, weed. I settled the chicks into their coop-- very like getting your teenagers off to college. (Whew.) We did have heavy rain one night-- when we woke up in the morning the lake had risen about three feet and our boat was about to say goodbye. A tree held it back-- the shoreline is a good six feet beyond where you see the boat out there. Watching the water level go up and down is very entertaining in the boonies!

      My sewing projects moved along at the usual baby steps pace. Zen of Sewing was released-- I'm really happy with it. It did take the predicted three stitch outs to get it right. I want to make something fabulous out of my quilt block, but like so many things, it's in the "maybe someday" pile for now.

      I got the first charm pack basket stitched out, and I was so hoping to keep it a simple one color design. Hmmm... what’s missing?
Yep, flowers! The artist in residence said, “Mom, you really weren’t going to make a basket without flowers, were you?” Well I was, but now I'm not! It definitely needs something in there. Any ideas? Simple, but sensational? I’ve been getting a Starflower done about every other night for the last Sew Sampler box project. Here's my collection so far:

      I did get my background fabric in, along with backing and binding from the same collection. 

   The theme this month is “Garden” and I'm just using the fabric, not the pattern included in the box. So the idea in my head is "Meadow Floor" and it's a bit of an experiment...  do you see the similarity between these two things? 

     I'm really having fun making it, but I'm still not crazy about the fabric. I've spent extra $$ for additional fabric on the last three boxes. This one I'm not sure I should have-- again, I love the layout, and I can't wait to see how my oval border idea turns out. The fabric is a total meh. For the May box, I’m going to try to stick more with the project and fabric given. Does everything have to be so fancy all the time?

      Prairie Meadow has gotten a shot of renewed determination! I’m trying to get a block done every two weeks. Do you think I can do it? I don’t. I'm not waiting until all the pieces are prepped and pinned to start sewing each block. On my bed by my birthday, is the mantra playing over and over in my head. Three months. This is Block 8 of 12.

     So that’s about everything from last week. I feel like I need something new to talk about, or maybe what's missing is more of a new direction and/or major goal. It’s definitely that spring fever time of the year-- restlessness and excitement, without the excitement in my case, heehee. I can tell from the online activity across all the platforms as well, the sewing season is winding up. I'm just going to keep on with the things in front of me, until the next great idea comes along.


  1. Very productive, as always!! Such an inspiration. I'm thinking watching the boat going away (or looking like it was doing that!!) would be both fascinating and spooky, LOL.

    I was "thinking" maybe some yo-yo flowers in your basket, but then seeing the tiny 4 petal flowers on Block 8 would be neat in a dark rust color (clustered they might sort of look like geraniums??). Have a GREAT week! XOXO

    1. I love your yo-yo flower idea! I guess I would have to figure out how to make them--lol-- but I bet charm packs would work perfectly!

    2. You could definitely use charm packs (or cut them into quarters or even smaller squares). Have FUN! XOXO

    3. If you want to continue with a one color stitch out, how about a bouquet of dried flowers done in brown?

  2. In the interests of keeping the basket simple, you could perhaps introduce some raw edge appliqué flowers and leaves, with the outlines and centres included in the embroidery files as a "to include or not to include" option? Having said that, raw edge appliqué is not a favourite technique for me. My edges never fray "artistically" - they just look like something that's old and deteriorating. (Have I looked in the mirror lately? LOL)
