Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Welcome to Winter Twist!

      It's the day we've all been waiting for! Please read the following important instructions to join our FREE Winter Twist stitch-a-long!

   Winter Twist is the last of our seasonal wall hanging series-- Spring, Summer, and Autumn are already finished. (Click the links at the end of this post if you're new and would like to see the other three-- they are 50% off!

     Winter Twist will be in the exact same format-- we'll be releasing four free blocks randomly over the course of December and January. Then there will be a finishing kit with borders and instructions on how to stitch your project together as always.

     This year, instead of charging for the finishing kit, we're asking you to help with our social media presence-- support us without spending a dime! For this week, we're asking you to click the blue FOLLOW button located on the right-- 

   You are NOT signing up for emails at all-- it is just a number that helps us shows how many people are interested in our blog and increases our social media profile. You might be surprised to know we have up to 2,000 readers-- our number of Followers and comments does not reflect that at all.  We're not setting a goal-- it stands at 123 this morning-- see if you can change that-- it helps the algorithms more than you know, and we'd love to do a free finishing kit this year! 

     Of course, a special thanks to our 123 original followers! If you would like to be notified of new posts, enter your email above. Or just bookmark this page and check back occasionally. The blog is full of sewing inspiration, quilt kits, tips, cross stitch, machine embroidery and reflections on our new life and studio in Sugar Meadow, in the foothills of the Western Maine mountains. We've come a long way from San Francisco!-- we'd love to hear from you as well.

     That's all we have to say about that! We all want to get stitching. So here's just a couple quick facts about our FREE stitch-a-long you'll want to know:

     The four blocks will release at random, but they will be free for an entire week. So if you just pick a day to check the website, say Monday, over the course of the next couple of months you won't miss anything. If you want to make sure not to miss one-- just join our mailing list at the bottom right of the website homepage. Or check this blog. After the free week is over, the design will be for sale on the website for $1.99.

     Pick a medium or darker color fabric for your background-- all of our creatures will be WHITE and won't show up on light fabrics. We chose a medium grunge gray. Blues, purples, pinks, or any neutral would also make good backgrounds.  You'll need four squares of 8" x 8" for the four blocks. Don't worry about sashing fabric for now. Trim your blocks to 6" x 6" and tear or cutaway extra stabilizer when finished.

     Post your blocks on our Facebook group or Instagram with the hashtag #wintertwistblock and we'll find you and cheer you on! Ask any questions here with a comment.

    Without further ado-- the King of the Ice!

Click HERE
to go to the download page-- and be sure to tell your machine embroidery friends where the winter fun is-- send them to this blog page to get started!

Thank you all, for joining us this year.


Click here to view SPRING TWIST

Click here to view SUMMER TWIST

Click here to view AUTUMN TWIST



  1. O! I'm intrigued! Had a plumbing disaster in my sewing room back in July and finally *almost* ready to be able to sew again. This could be my first project. Thank you!!

    1. The King of the Ice is excited to be your new start! Thanks for joining us.

  2. I have NO idea what happened, but for whatever reason, I wasn't a follower anymore. I've fixed that and am now following once again!! Thanks for the new winter twist. XOXO

    1. At one point, Blogger dumped everybody and we had to start over! Typical! I know you're always with us, Dottie. xox

    2. Oh, that explains why I missed information on the previous Twists.

  3. He's so lovely! I can't wait to stitch him out this weekend... or possibly after I finish grading all those finals and papers. Thank you for a new fun project!

    1. Hopefully after grading comes a LONG WINTER BREAK! Thanks so much for joining us.

  4. I'm going to try to keep up this year and post my completed block on the FB pages I follow - your designs always stitch so beautifully, they deserve to be seen far and wide! FYI - the download page also included the first block from Autumn Twist. I'm not sure if it was supposed to or not, or maybe it's something with my account, but thought I'd let you know :-)

    1. Thanks for the heads up, P-- the website was being a BEAR last night! You will easily keep up-- no worries!

  5. Just shared the blog posting with my group. Hopefully you'll see LOTS of new followers. I LOVE the polar bear!!!

    1. Thank you SEW much! You are the reason we can do free stitch-a-longs. <3

  6. I have stitched the other 3. So happy to now have winter! Thank you!!

  7. Thank you very much! It's a great design!

  8. Somehow I have missed many of your blogs, or info letting me know of these designs. Oh well early bird gets the worm as they say. I did get your bear today though. Thank you.

  9. I wonder why I can’t find your blog from your website. I was a faithful follower, until something..

  10. I too lost contact somehow. I did get hacked and things are still in disarray. Looking forward to the new project!

  11. I clicked the follow link, but had to decline as it showed up with the wrong email address and I don't know how to change it.

    1. Don't worry, Grace-- thank you for trying-- we are super pleased with the response!

  12. glad to be a part of the new adventure.

  13. My Mum in aged care absolutely loved all 3 others & are hanging on her walls. Sadly my Mum will be leaving us soon & won't have the winter set but I adore them & say a huge thank you for the pleasures you've given both Mum & i


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