Sunday, July 2, 2023

Happy Fourth... taking a break!

     We just got word that my son and his gang of three-- fiance, stepson, stepson's friend-- will be spending the Fourth of July week with us! We are so happy to see them all and are really looking forward to it. Hopefully the rain stops. Yep, still raining here and there’s not much for kids to do inside. It’s going to be a lot of cooking-- my ace in the hole is the artist in residence who is better in the kitchen than I am by a long shot. And another birthday party... our son is turning 30-- can you believe it?-- I can’t. I have a thirty year old son!

    There’s still a little stitching to talk about from the past week, but I will be in full recovery mode next week, so don't expect much! I have a nice set of six Star Spangled Ornaments to show for the Red, White, and June SAL. I am hoping to get them fully finished this week-- I’m probably kidding myself! I will display them all July, even if they are a little late. Thanks for not noticing one of my star points on the cottage is wonky!

     I would like to make the little truck from Stitching with the Housewives later this summer, and I did buy the Classic Colorworks floss and a piece of cloth. Most of their designs are stitched on black-- no thanks!-- but this blue I picked might not work with the truck color.

     I just about have two Liberty box quilts made. The Fat Quarter Shop is well known for the excessive fabric they give you, if you order a kit. I needed a few extra dark blue rectangles, so what I did was order a little extra of a navy backing fabric. Some people on social media made the blue star with red stripes and some even did the white star on a blue field with the red stripes which is the way it “should be.” But I’m really liking this quirky interpretation and I'm LOVING the fact that I finally made a kit exactly as it was supposed to be!

     That is certainly not going to be true of the June Sew Sampler box-- I’m completely ditching the provided pattern and making the Mod Flower Box by Robin Pickens. It will be nice to try a few curves for a change-- she used mostly solids, but after looking at the Sunnyside fabric, I think it could work. I picked out a solid navy for the background, and even the navy prints in the lower right could work, since there's so many flowers in them.


     I am going to have to go into my stodgy, old fashioned stash and find a few more greens. Robin Pickens used so many different greens in her leaves, I don’t think it will matter that I won’t have any exact matches. I’m itching to start this-- won’t be happening this week!


     I have a stack of stuff now waiting for quilting. I am finally going to send out my crazy “Meadow Floor” table runner, and “Let’s Pop Some Corn” table runners and pillow-- I finished the tops months ago, and would love to have them in the fall. My two Liberty Box flags are getting straight line quilting at home, and then the “Apple Cobbler” from last month and the mini table runner will also get done at home-- I’ll keep it simple. Those four things represent hours of work. I’m the journey of a thousand miles girl, though, so a half hour each night will get it rolling. Not gonna happen this week-- do you see a theme here!

     Finally, I succumbed to two more quilt kits-- both Halloween! I am a sucker for it. This is “Witch's Delight” from Poppie Cotton-- I’ve been admiring their fabrics for a long time, and face it-- this has the chickens, the kitties, the barn AND the witch-- heehee. Perfect for me!

   Then my friend, knowing I love Halloween, pointed out the “Spooky Shelfie.” Aren't friends, great! I tried to resist, but when I explored a new quilt shop near Bangor, it got right in my face at the front door and I knew it was meant to be. Of course, these will both be on beds October 1st. LOL.

   I starting prepping my ninth Prairie Meadow block and am even mildly enthusiastic again. So happy I didn’t put it away for years!

   So, this was a post more about future than current work, although I remain exceedingly hopeful I’ll be able to sneak away this week for a few minutes here and there to put a few stitches in. I kind of realized last spring how important sewing is to my sanity-- let’s all take those minutes we need, without any guilt.

Happy Fourth of July!


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